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Possible bugs and misfeatures

Hi Gianni,

I installed Firestorm from the latest binary rpm
firestorm-0.4.4-1.i386.rpm  and came up with a few possible bugs and/or
misfeatures (or features, you never know).

I'm running firestorm in a chroot in /usr/lib/firestorm, loading snort
rules from /rules  (i.e: /usr/lib/firestorm/rules) and logging to the
directory /logs.

I obtained the latest experimental snort rules list, combined it all
into one big file and loaded it in.  Firestorm had a few troubles:

The rule:
alert tcp any any -> [,,] any (msg:"BAD
TRAFFIC syn to multicast address"; flags:S+; classtype:bad-unknown;
sid:1431; rev:4;)

snort: /rules/bigass.rules:663 : Rule failed to commit: BAD TRAFFIC syn
to multicast address

The rule:
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 111 (msg:"RPC portmap request
tooltalk"; flow:to_server,established; rpc:100083,*,*;
reference:cve,CAN-2001-0717; reference:cve,CVE-1999-0003;
reference:cve,CVE-1999-0687; reference:cve,CAN-1999-1075;
classtype:rpc-portmap-decode; sid:1298;  rev:7;)

snort: /rules/bigger.rules:1422 : Rule failed to commit: RPC portmap
request tooltalk

In fact, none of the RPC rules I tried worked.  Neither did any of the
shellcode rules.

I also noticed that firestorm.log gets overwritten each time firestorm
is run.  I don't think this is intentional.

Also, autocreation of a "firestorm" user with a specific uid+guid and a
small redhat init script would be nice :)

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