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Re: firestorm IPX and SAP decoding

On Thu, 2002-09-19 at 20:06, John Leach wrote:
> This patch should add IPX protocol decoding to the latest cvs version of
> firestorm.
> There is also an example child SAP decoder but it's far from finished.
> I'll be working on SAP a bit more, then maybe SPX.  Then matchers for
> them.

Cool, thats all fine and dandy apart from the last hunk. Its all applied
in the latest CVS now.

Also, I'll leave the name resolving stuff in there for now, but think
about removing it before release.

One thing ive been meaning to do is a preprocessor that implements the
sniffer functionality so you can do:

preprocessor sniffer proto="ipx"

i'll try get something like that in the next release, its very easy to
do in a generic way.

// Gianni Tedesco (gianni at ecsc dot co dot uk)
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