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Firestorm-nids Patch SYSLOG in current version (pre 053)


I add syslog on firestorm-nids,

I work on my Freebsd v4.7
(not linux tested ! and sure Im not good)

normal use :
firestorm-nids --write-> firestorm.log
firecat -f log  --read-> firestorm.log   | logger -t firestorm
but not real time event ! (and of course restart firecat !)

new use :
firestorm-nids send directly events in syslog ! (on format "log" short)

(yes new firestorm-nids create firestom.log, but not write after start)

and firecat don't use ...

Add in your firestorm.conf:
output .... buf=0
(not events/packets buffered)

In my patch:
add syslog event after mesg/cleanup in many files ,
change src/alert.c for send syslog directly


PS: Sorry for my bad English

Attachment: firestorm-patch-syslog.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data