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Re: Permission issues + proposed fix

On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 19:36, Doug Lardo wrote:
> The default config file was put in /usr/etc/firestorm.conf, rather than 
> /etc/firestorm.conf.  If you want people to have to "deal with it" 
> before they use it, name it /etc/firestorm.conf.example

Yeah, you need to do ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc, I'm not sure how to
get around that. It's documented in the README but it sucks. I need to
look in to it some more.

> /var/firestorm/firestorm.rules is owned by root:root, so that needs a
> #cd /var/firestorm
> #chown fstorm:fstorm firestorm.rules
> and then all the files in snort-rules are also root:root
> #chown -R fstorm:fstorm snort-rules/

wierd, i put in the readme: 'chown -R fstorm.fstorm /var/firestorm`
which should do it recursively, if thats not the case on your system,
then could you let me know what the correct flag is to recurse?

> I would also recommend putting those groupadd commands that are in the 
> readme into the make-install process somehow.  Or at least making a +x 
> bash script for people to run.  Most people just run the commands 
> blindly anyway.

Yeah, its not clear how to do this nicely. Perhaps as you suggest, just
try it and don't bail from the makefile if there is an error (for
example if you aren't root). I'll look in to this and try get something
looking a bit better for the next release.

> okay - now I'm going to actually see what your program can do. =)


> Thanks again -

Thank you!

// Gianni Tedesco (gianni at scaramanga dot co dot uk)
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